Opening hours of Food & Drink in Katherine, Northern Territory
Opening hours of Food & Drink in Katherine, Northern Territory
Food & Drink
Katherine Country Club
3034 Pearce Street, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8972 1276
Food & Drink
Katherine Ice Supplies
Crawford Street, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8972 2093
Food & Drink
Eagles Nest
7 Victoria Highway, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8972 3340
Food & Drink
The Silver Screen Cafe
20 First Street, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8972 3140
Food & Drink
Northern Feed & Cube
Emungalan Road, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8971 2425
Food & Drink
Main St Cafe & Takeaway
22 Katherine Terrace, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8971 0688
Food & Drink
Regent Foodcourt
25 First St, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8971 3334
Food & Drink
The Cinema Cafe
Cinema Complex, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8971 0594
Food & Drink
Terrace Bakery
14 Pearce Street, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8972 2871
Food & Drink
Kumbidgee Lodge Tea Rooms
Gorge Road, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8971 0699
Food & Drink
McDonalds Katherine
13 First Street, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08)8971 0884
Food & Drink
Blast Coffee Roasters
26 Cox Crescent, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
Food & Drink
13 First Street, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
(08) 8971 0884
Food & Drink
Eagle Boys Pizza
7 Victoria Highway, Katherine NT 0850, Australia, Katherine, Northern Territory
Categories of local businesses in Katherine
- Accounting
- Airport
- Animal park
- Art Gallery
- Arts & Entertainment
- Automotive
- Bakery
- Bank
- Bar
- Beauty Salon
- Book Store
- Business & Professional Services
- Business Services
- Cafe
- Campground
- Car Dealer
- Car rental
- Car Rental Agency
- Car repair
- Car Repair and Maintenance
- Car Service
- Cemetery
- Church
- Clothing Store
- Community & Government
- Computers & Electronics
- Consignment Shop
- Construction & Contractors
- Convenience Store
- Courthouse
- Dental Clinic
- Dentist
- Department Store
- Doctor
- Dog breeder
- Dog trainer
- Education
- Electrician
- Electronics Store
- Establishment
- Farm
- Finance
- Florist
- Food
- Food & Beverage
- Food & Drink
- Funeral Home
- Furniture Store
- Gas Station
- General Contractor
- Hair care
- Hair Salon
- Hamburger Restaurant
- Hardware Store
- Health
- Health & Beauty
- Health & Medicine
- Home & Gardens
- Home Goods Store
- Horse breeder
- Horse trainer
- Hospital
- Hotel
- Industries & Agriculture
- Industry & Agriculture
- Insurance Agency
- Isuzu dealer
- Landmarks
- Laundry
- Lawyer
- Legal & Financial
- Legal & Financial Services
- Library
- Liquor Store
- Local Government Office
- Lodging
- Meal Takeaway
- Movie Theater
- Moving Company
- Museum
- Night Club
- Organisations & Government
- Other
- Park
- Parking
- Pawn Shop
- Pets & Animals
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Pizza Restaurant
- Place of Worship
- Plumber
- Police Department
- Post Office
- Real Estate
- Real Estate & Home Improvement
- Real Estate Agency
- Restaurant
- RV Park
- School
- Shoe Store
- Shopping
- Shopping & Services
- Shopping Mall
- Sports & Recreation
- Sports & Recreations
- Supermarket
- Tour agency
- Tour operator
- Tourist attraction
- Tourist information center
- Travel & Accommodation
- Travel & Tourism
- Travel Agency
- Uncategorized
- University
- Veterinarian
- Veterinary care
- Zoo