Sweetwater Cafe
42 Melba Highway, Yering, Victoria 3770
The Terrace Cafe and Lounge
178-180 Victoria Rd, Yering, Victoria 3770
+61 3 9738 9000
Steve's coffee stop
Cnr &, Melba Highway, Yering, Victoria 3770
Chateau Yering Hotel
42 Melba Hwy, Yering VIC 3770, Yering, Victoria 3770
(03) 9237 3333
Sweetwater Cafe
42 Melba Hwy, Yering VIC 3770, Yering, Victoria 3770
(03) 9237 3333
Categories of local businesses in Yering
- Aircraft Charter and Rental Service
- Airport
- Airports
- Archery range
- Breakfast restaurant
- Brunch restaurant
- Cafe
- Cheese shop
- Clothing Store
- Coffee store
- Construction & Contractors
- Dairy Products Supplier
- Education
- Equestrian facility
- Establishment
- Event venue
- Flight school
- Food
- Food & Drink
- General Contractor
- Golf club
- Gun club
- Gym
- Home & Gardens
- Hotel
- Lodging
- Lunch restaurant
- Park
- Private golf course
- Recreation center
- Restaurant
- Self-catering accommodation
- Skydiving center
- Sports & Recreations
- Sports club
- Tennis club
- Travel & Accommodation
- Wedding venue